Splendid, glorifying, magnanimous; she was stupefied in his love – the love that poured through his words. It was beautiful – the world they lived in. It was a different dimension – beyond comprehension. She is spellbound with the thought that how real all this is. That the story she is writing is what is real – words making love to words, expressions expressing expressions. Lovely!
She always wanted to have a fairy tale. Now she was living one – a unique one. She could live her dreams through her words, through her writings and same could he. He was a brilliant writer – an extraordinary creation. All night their words danced. The keys on the keyboard produced music because it was what they had. They lived in energies – whirling throughout the universe in the form of electromagnetic waves. They made love at the juxtaposition of science, creativity and spirituality. I guess the word love is not right to define what they had or what they have. It is a bond beyond boundaries in a plane so vast and infinite. Let’s call it infinity what they had; beyond love. She would ask him to refrain from saying – “I love you” because that limits them, that would bring them back to reality, to a land where dreams are not fulfilled. So, she wants him to say “ad infinitim” and she’d say in reply “neti neti neti”.
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